dalla Rosa Gallery will be open by appointment only until the next exhibition:
1 June - 7 July 2018
Preview Thursday 31 May, 6.30 - 8.30 PM

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 7, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 45, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 64, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 6, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 33, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 40, 2018, collage, gouache, pencil, post-it, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 36, 2018, collage, pencil, post-it, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 39, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm
*A Study, installation view
*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 27, 2018, collage, pencil, rubber bands, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 44, 2018, collage, rubber bands, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study (1-76) 63, 2018, collage, pencil, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study (1-76) 67, 2018, paper, ink, perspex, 12 x 15 cm

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view

*A Study, installation view