15 October – 6 November 2010

dalla Rosa Gallery is proud to present Traces, an exhibition of new work by American artist Aaron McElroy. This ongoing series marks McElroy’s first solo exhibition in Europe.
The new photographic series juxtaposes visions of the female body and nature, shapes caught in the act of living. There are no indications of place, time or identity, the focus is on subtle traces left by life: the transparency of a curtain, a scar, laddered tights, fireflies hovering over a field.
The subdued tones of black and white and the closed field of vision give an intimate feel to the series, an almost voyeuristic sensation that grips the viewers, drawing them into the intriguing atmosphere of secret interiors and exteriors.
Emerging from the photographs comes a grayish grit. The photographs come into recognition; appealing, seductive half-dreams, yet they retain all the transitory vulnerability of humans dazed in their reality. (Aaron McElroy, 2010)
About the Artist
Aaron McElroy is an American artist living in NYC. He graduated from the New England School of photography in 2007. Aaron’s work was featured in the 2009 Vice Magazine’s annual photo issue. Most recently he was invited to be one of 100 featured photographers at LOOKbetween at Deeprock farm in Virginia, and is being published in the Humble arts collectors guide to new art photography later this year. McElroy’s previous series Doll-Drums was part of Collected Visions, a group show curated by the independent publication 20x20magazine and supported by dalla Rosa Gallery.